sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2011

Siberia-Gasteiz Kup 2012

Siberia-Gasteiz Kup Tournament. February 26 2012 (Vitoria)

-Limited Miniature:
"Patxi Silensio"(Fan/Coach/Doctor)

More info: http://www.bilbalicup.com/torneo.php?id=24

*Available in Tournament&WM

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011

Troll Thrower

-Troll2 for FF, 45mm:

*Available in WM

sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2011

Turncoat Bowl 2012

-Underworld Troll, goblin and skaven simulating Big Guy, 50mm:

Turncoat Bowl
1 day tournament. 4 games
Sunday 25th of March
Ursel (Belgium)
Entree free 10€ and EVERYBODY will receive this miniature
More info on TFF (talk fantasy football)

*Available in Tournament&Willy-Miniatures

martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011

Dwarf Biker Machine

- Deathroller for Dwarf Biker Team, 50x30mm and Driver 24mm:

*Available in Neomics